Today is birthday of Sputnik, the first artificial earth satellite. Was released 4 October 1957 the Soviet Union. Sputnik was a sphere about 58,5 cm and weighing 83,6 kg. He had no function, unless transmitting a radio signal, “beep”, that could be tuned by any radio-amateur. The satellite orbited the Earth for six months before falling.
It is for nothing, but who want to listen to radio transmission Sputink I clique on here.
Source: Wikipedia
Segundo a Wikipedia o Sputnik I “… He orbited the Earth for six months before falling.”
But I can not guarantee anything, not think the “wikipedia” very reliable and did not do any further research. If u know any sites that explain it puts us comments.
by q I know he did not fall, he left the orbits and in the year 2005 He passed by Pluto