Create program shortcuts to use the Run menu

runOne of the things that helps in reducing the waste of time, the computer is the Run (Start>Run or Windows + R), with a word you can open something that would need to go folder in folder to find. But not all of to open with the Run, of course?

Actually it is to use the Run to open any program, it is enough:

Create a shortcut of desired program and puts it in the C:Windows (Place the shortcut does not executable). Now, if you prefer, rename the shortcut to a name of your choice, this name is what you have to type in the Run to open the program. Ex: If I create the shortcut executable mirc.exe place in the C:Windows and leave the shortcut with that name, whenever I enter mIRC will open the executable mirc.exe.

If you could understand what I wrote, and did everything right, You can make your life on the PC a little faster.

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