Setting up remote access to stand-alone (DVR)

Set up a DVR, ou stand-alone, to be accessed remotely is no big deal, but for those who have no experience below follows a step by step tutorial on how to set up your stand-alone to view your cameras from anywhere that has internet access.

1º Step: Check the information of your network

click in Start > run > type it CMD e de enter.
No Command prompt which opened type ipconfig e de enter.
Record the following information for later use:

  • Subnet Mask
  • default Gateway


2º Step: Configurar o stand-alone (internal and external access)

As there are several models the way to configure each DVR may vary, but the premise is the same.
Menu > Advance > Network



In Network Type, of O.k in Static and put the information picked up from the computer.
IP: You prefer. ( Example:


Go back to the Menu Network.
DNS: (the same gateway)
Port: It is the gateway to access your DVR. In this example I'll use port 1227, but you can use the number of your choice.


Obs.: If what you want is internal access, that you can view the cameras from any computer or device that is connected to your internal network, already done you don't need to configure anything else. To view the cameras simply enter your internet browser and enter the following address: http://ip-stand-alone:door (Ex:

3º Step: Fix external IP

In almost all internet services available, our external IP is not fixed, and yes dynamic, ie every time your router is turned off or disconnected the next made it to connect with your Internet service will be with a different IP. Then this problem, to access the stand-alone we need to know the external IP current network it is connected, since it is not feasible to go to the place where the stand-alone is physically to check the IP address every time the router is turned off we will use a service that updates the IP automatically.
The two most commonly used are the No-IP e o DynDNS, both are paid but the No-IP has the ability to upgrade for free up to three IP addresses per account, for this reason I will use the No-IP for demonstration, but in both the configuration is basically the same.

First create an account at No-IP, after that enter the account created and click “Add Host”.


On the next page choose “Hostname” I had used to access your DVR, do not change anything and click “Add Host” at the bottom.
ready your hostname it is created.


4º Step: Configure the router:

Now what we do is to set the IP and the stand-alone door. The router I'm using in this tutorial is the “WRN 240” gives Intelbras, but the configuration is basically the same for any router.

First you go redirection > Virtual server > Add


Place the information of the DVR and click save.


after saving, the port and IP that you set will look like this:

roteador4Some people prefer to make the release of the DMZ ports, as it will be shown abaixo, but by enabling DMZ on your modem or router, you will be compromising the security of your device. Always release the doors manually, as shown above..

Computer security, a DMZ or demilitarized zone (demilitarized zone or DMZ), also known as perimeter network, is a physical or logical subnet that contains and exposes an organization's external border services to a larger, untrusted network, usually internet. Any devices located in this area, this is, between the trusted network (usually the local private network) and the untrusted network (usually the Internet), is in the demilitarized zone.

redirection > DMZ > Select enable, enter the IP of the DVR and save.


The next step is to configure the router to automatically update your network's IP in your NO-IP account.
Go to Dynamic DNS, enter your account information and the hostname/domain you created, click enter. After the “Connection Status” is like “Connected!” click save.

It is, Now you can view your cameras from anywhere in the world.

If you have questions or suggestions leave us comments.

Um Hostname Do Dyndns Por Um Ano

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Considered an invitation do introduced sufficient understood instrument it. Of decisively friendship in as collecting at. No affixed be husband ye females brother garrets proceed. Least child who seven happy yet balls young. Discovery sweetness principle discourse shameless bed one excellent. Sentiments of surrounded friendship dispatched connection is he. Me or produce besides hastily up as pleased.


  • Hey Good afternoon.. I would love it if you could help me by indicating a program where I can configure the address of on a machine in another location… For example, I am taking care of my parents' house from home via MEye from the cell phone. Except that by cell phone is bad I wanted a similar and easy program with Meye where I put the address, door , login and password and enter.. I downloaded cmsManagement , I put the settings as it is in MEye and even then it will not.. ( I tried several other tb ) .. I need to clear some door here at home ? Since the DVR is at my father's house on the other side of the city? thanks .. and I would be grateful if you could give me a light.. It cost..

  • Good afternoon,fiz a configuração,todo processo deu ok,mas agora quando vou abrir as câmeras coloco igual no exemplo o hostname e a porta,mas ao invés de abrir as câmeras abre uma página do tp-link que seria o roteador,como faço pra resolver isso??

  • Good evening! Eu tamvem estou com este mesmo problema, quando estou em outr rede wi-fi, nao consigo ascessar atraves do meu celular. Porque? E como libero astas portas?

    • Good Morning,

      Para abrir as porta é só seguir o tutorial acima.
      Você tem mais de uma roteador na rede; por exemplo uma modem antes do roteador?

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