Verbling is like Chatroulette for language students


Chat video with random strangers often carry the risk of an unexpected and unpleasant surprise. Verbling has something better in mind: Learning a foreign language by talking to native speakers who also want to learn the language you speak.

For example, I have advanced English, but I need to practice conversation. I can use Verbling to start a quick chat 10 minutes with a stranger. Half of our video chat will be in English, and half will be in Portuguese.

“Just when it launched a new great resource, we connect with an Argentine university professor, from Buenos Aires”, disse o cofounder Jake Jolis. “He was so excited to have connected with the founders of the site, he opened a large bottle of tequila and asked us to have a drink with him online. Then we ran quickly to our kitchen and opened a bottle of champagne. Together, three of us, founders in Sunnyvale, We enjoy a few drinks while discussing the major differences between Argentines and Americans and life in general, all the time practicing English and Spanish, of course “.

This anecdote pretty much sums up the easy nature, fluid to use Verbling to learn or practice a language. Its founders say the service was designed to eliminate the most common problem of all with language learning.

You can choose to talk in beginner level, intermediate or advanced, and if you are stuck conversational topics, do not be afraid: Stanford language teachers have developed a handy list of issues for you. When each chat is finished, you can indicate whether your bilingual conversation was great, good or bad (later this information will be used to improve chats). And you can join as many video chats want, continuously improving their skills and meeting new learning partners.


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