Testing internal access:
Let's first test access internally to see if we have the most basic, that is the equipment be on the network. For this type in their browser that should generally be Internet Explorer to cases remote access to the cameras, because we have more guaranteed to work since many devices are not compatible with other browsers.
type it: http://ipdoseudvr:door
If you are all right, will appear the fields for you to put the user and password, the DVR will ask to install ActiveX in the browser. If any error installing the ActiveX, nothing appears or you see the page with errors, visit the article on Internet setup Explore and go back to redo the tests. He opened the login page and then login appear the cameras correctly, internal access is working. Now you are ready to test external access.
Testing external access:
First we test whether the doors are open.
Visit the website: http://ping.eu/port-chk/
Place your external IP, that appears at the top of page, the door and click Go. Do this with all doors. If all doors open as result, do the same process, but instead of putting the IP put the DDNS domain. Made all doors tests, with positive results, its external access is already running. Normally access by DDNS does not work on the same network, internal network, then for you to test your polo field access in the browser will have to do this for the external network. To access the external network type in Internet Explorer, as in Example: